Corfu Walks

‘Tours don't come more gold plated than with the support and involvement of Hilary Whitton Paipeti. I really started walking seriously on Corfu courtesy of her softcover books, ‘Second Book of Corfu Walks' and 'In the Footsteps of the Durrells' (1999), then went to the Corfu Trail detailed maps then PDF downloads and now this app. Fantastic resources.’

The diversity of Corfu’s landscape is quite astonishing. Whilst hiking on the island you will encounter vast groves of ancient olive trees, wild beaches, juniper-forested dunes, dense oak woodland, a karst plateau where nomad cattle roam, deep gorges, wetlands, mountain summits, bucolic plains, old monasteries, ruined olive presses, picturesque villages and ancient fortresses. Every hike is unique in character, and even on a single hike you rarely remain in any one type of terrain for very long. And at every corner there may be a surprise, a new scene to assault the eye: a sudden glimpse of the sea far below, a dramatic view over a wide valley, a flower-carpeted meadow, or a tiny hidden chapel.

Corfu Narratour is working with Hilary Whitton Paipeti, the creator of the Corfu Trail and the island’s walking guru, to produce a series of innovative guides to the very best the island has to offer. These app-based guides have been surveyed on the ground and consist of a tracker map showing your location and the onward route, supported by audio and written directions, and by photographs of local landmarks. The apps are not reliant on an Internet connection and instead are based on more dependable gps locators.

Corfu Narratour’s ever-growing portfolio, developed in partnership with our in-house expert Hilary, includes undemanding strolls, longer country rambles, and tough treks on mountain territory. Whatever your preference, you will enjoy the very best of Corfu’s varied and surprisingly unspoilt countryside.

Hilary Whitton Paipeti

You can find the walks here.

Hilary Paipeti is the creator of the Corfu Trail, the island’s long-distance hiking route. The official Guide to the Corfu Trail, with changes and updates, is also available as a Corfu Narratour app, and as as a pdf file. To find out more click on the image below.

Walks currently available as Corfu Narratour apps:

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